г. Южно‐Сахалинск, ул. Сахалинская, 223

Корзина пуста

Кресла для руководителя

В пути
DUKE\ кож\зам\ткань, черный\серый, 36-6\12
26 400p
В наличии
BERGAMO\ ткань, коричневый, 3М7-147
19 500p
В наличии
BERGAMO\ ткань, темно-серый, F68
19 500p
Нет в наличии
BERGAMO\ кож\зам, коричневый, 36-36
19 500p
В пути
BERGAMO\ кож\зам, черный, 36-6
19 500p
Нет в наличии
KING M\экокожа черный
В наличии
King M Экокожа Бежевый
17 500p
В пути
KING M\кожа черный
22 650p
В пути
COMFORT LT\ флок, коричневый, 6
16 400p
В пути
COMFORT LT\ флок, черный, 35
16 400p
В пути
COMFORT LT\ кож\зам, коричневый, 36-36
16 000p
В наличии
SOFTY LUX\ флок, розовый, 137
25 700p
В пути
SOFTY LUX\ кож\зам, черный, 36-6
23 850p
В пути
SOFTY LUX\ кож\зам, белый, 36-01
23 850p
В наличии
CH888\ ткань, черный, 2603
15 360p
В наличии
CH747\ кож\зам, коричневый, 36-36
11 900p
В наличии
CH747\ кож\зам, черный, 36-6
11 900p
В пути
EP-705 \сетка черный
11 650p
В пути
БЮРОКРАТ T-9922N черный эко.кожа крестовина пластик BLACK-PU
29 220p
В пути
БЮРОКРАТ T-9922 SL\BLACK черный кожа крестовина металл хром
47 100p
В пути
БЮРОКРАТ CH-824 B\L BLACK\ черный эко.кожа крестовина пластик
20 850p
В пути
БЮРОКРАТ T-9928WALNUT\ ECO черный эко.кожа крестовина металл\дерево\ ECO-B
29 970p
В пути
БЮРОКРАТ T-9928WALNUT\BLACK черный кожа крестовина металл
42 050p
В наличии
Leo Black T\ Экокожа Черный
11 400p
В пути
БЮРОКРАТ T-9926WALNUT черный кожа крестовина металл\дерево
58 500p
В пути
DUKE\ ткань, серый\серый, фостер 19\TW-12
26 400p
В пути
БЮРОКРАТ CH-824 Fabric серый Alfa 44 крестовина пластик\ CH-824\ ALFA44
20 850p
В наличии
БЮРОКРАТ T-620SL\ коричневый C-08 крестовина T-620SL\BROWN
9 800p
Нет в наличии
BOND TM Кожа Черный
17 150p
Нет в наличии
БЮРОКРАТ CH-607 черный TW-01 сетка\ткань с подголов. крестовина пластик


г. Южно‐Сахалинск, ул. Сахалинская, 223

Информация на данном сайте не является публичной офертой.

© Сайт сделан в Ринамике

© 2007—2024 Офисная мебель

MySQL статистика (75)
Query Rows Time Cached
SELECT seo_settings.* FROM seo_settings ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000324 false
update seo_settings set individual_seo_settings = 'a:0:{}' - 0.000140 false
SELECT (select group_concat(db_files.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = catalog_categories.id and (master_object_class='Catalog_Category' and field='image')) as image_calculated, (product_type_calculated_join.name) as product_type_calculated, (select group_concat(catalog_attributes.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from catalog_attributes, catalog_category_filters where catalog_attributes.id=catalog_category_filters.attribute_id and catalog_category_filters.category_id=catalog_categories.id) as filters_calculated, (select group_concat(mebel_relations.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from mebel_relations where mebel_relations.object_id = catalog_categories.id) as colours_calculated, (select group_concat(db_files.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = catalog_categories.id and (master_object_class='Catalog_Category' and field='photos')) as photos_calculated, catalog_categories.* FROM catalog_categories LEFT JOIN catalog_product_types as product_type_calculated_join ON product_type_calculated_join.id = catalog_categories.type_id WHERE (catalog_categories.id = '5') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000882 false
SELECT count(DISTINCT catalog_products.id) FROM catalog_products LEFT JOIN catalog_categories as category_calculated_join ON category_calculated_join.id = catalog_products.category_id LEFT JOIN catalog_product_types as type_calculated_join ON type_calculated_join.id = catalog_products.type_id WHERE (catalog_products.category_id='5') AND (catalog_products.hidden is null and (catalog_products.deleted is null or catalog_products.deleted <> 1)) 1 0.001625 false
SELECT (select min(price) from catalog_skus where product_id=catalog_products.id) as min_price, (select max(price) from catalog_skus where product_id=catalog_products.id) as max_price, (select group_concat(db_files.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = catalog_products.id and (master_object_class='Catalog_Product' and field='photos')) as photos_calculated, (category_calculated_join.name) as category_calculated, (type_calculated_join.name) as type_calculated, (select group_concat(catalog_skus.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from catalog_skus where catalog_skus.product_id = catalog_products.id) as skus_calculated, (select group_concat(mebel_relations.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from mebel_relations where mebel_relations.object_id = catalog_products.id) as colours_calculated, catalog_products.* FROM catalog_products LEFT JOIN catalog_categories as category_calculated_join ON category_calculated_join.id = catalog_products.category_id LEFT JOIN catalog_product_types as type_calculated_join ON type_calculated_join.id = catalog_products.type_id WHERE (catalog_products.category_id='5') AND (catalog_products.hidden is null and (catalog_products.deleted is null or catalog_products.deleted <> 1)) ORDER BY sort_order asc LIMIT 90, 30 30 0.034638 false
select * from catalog_attribute_values where product_id = '3957' 0 0.000305 false
select * from catalog_attribute_values where product_id = '3547' 0 0.000313 false
select * from catalog_attribute_values where product_id = '3728' 0 0.000294 false
select id, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 4 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 9 0.000382 false
SELECT (select min(price) from catalog_skus where product_id=catalog_products.id) as min_price, (select max(price) from catalog_skus where product_id=catalog_products.id) as max_price, (select group_concat(db_files.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = catalog_products.id and (master_object_class='Catalog_Product' and field='photos')) as photos_calculated, (category_calculated_join.name) as category_calculated, (type_calculated_join.name) as type_calculated, (select group_concat(catalog_skus.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from catalog_skus where catalog_skus.product_id = catalog_products.id) as skus_calculated, (select group_concat(mebel_relations.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from mebel_relations where mebel_relations.object_id = catalog_products.id) as colours_calculated, catalog_products.* FROM catalog_products LEFT JOIN catalog_categories as category_calculated_join ON category_calculated_join.id = catalog_products.category_id LEFT JOIN catalog_product_types as type_calculated_join ON type_calculated_join.id = catalog_products.type_id WHERE (catalog_products.sell_out = 1) AND (catalog_products.hidden is null) 6 0.010645 false
SELECT catalog_categories.* FROM catalog_categories ORDER BY sort_order 208 0.001689 false
SELECT (select group_concat(db_files.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = catalog_categories.id and (master_object_class='Catalog_Category' and field='image')) as image_calculated, (product_type_calculated_join.name) as product_type_calculated, (select group_concat(catalog_attributes.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from catalog_attributes, catalog_category_filters where catalog_attributes.id=catalog_category_filters.attribute_id and catalog_category_filters.category_id=catalog_categories.id) as filters_calculated, (select group_concat(mebel_relations.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from mebel_relations where mebel_relations.object_id = catalog_categories.id) as colours_calculated, (select group_concat(db_files.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = catalog_categories.id and (master_object_class='Catalog_Category' and field='photos')) as photos_calculated, catalog_categories.* FROM catalog_categories LEFT JOIN catalog_product_types as product_type_calculated_join ON product_type_calculated_join.id = catalog_categories.type_id WHERE (catalog_categories.id = '4') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000929 false
SELECT (select group_concat(db_files.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = catalog_categories.id and (master_object_class='Catalog_Category' and field='image')) as image_calculated, (product_type_calculated_join.name) as product_type_calculated, (select group_concat(catalog_attributes.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from catalog_attributes, catalog_category_filters where catalog_attributes.id=catalog_category_filters.attribute_id and catalog_category_filters.category_id=catalog_categories.id) as filters_calculated, (select group_concat(mebel_relations.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from mebel_relations where mebel_relations.object_id = catalog_categories.id) as colours_calculated, (select group_concat(db_files.id ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = catalog_categories.id and (master_object_class='Catalog_Category' and field='photos')) as photos_calculated, catalog_categories.* FROM catalog_categories LEFT JOIN catalog_product_types as product_type_calculated_join ON product_type_calculated_join.id = catalog_categories.type_id WHERE (catalog_categories.id = '5') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000721 false
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SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '3547') AND (db_files.master_object_class='Catalog_Product' and field='photos') ORDER BY sort_order 1 0.000294 false
SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '3727') AND (db_files.master_object_class='Catalog_Product' and field='photos') ORDER BY sort_order 2 0.000303 false
SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '3476') AND (db_files.master_object_class='Catalog_Product' and field='photos') ORDER BY sort_order 7 0.000377 false
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SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '3883') AND (db_files.master_object_class='Catalog_Product' and field='photos') ORDER BY sort_order 2 0.000330 false
SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '3635') AND (db_files.master_object_class='Catalog_Product' and field='photos') ORDER BY sort_order 1 0.000301 false
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SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '3831') AND (db_files.master_object_class='Catalog_Product' and field='photos') ORDER BY sort_order 2 0.000313 false
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SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '3870') AND (db_files.master_object_class='Catalog_Product' and field='photos') ORDER BY sort_order 1 0.000294 false
SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '3874') AND (db_files.master_object_class='Catalog_Product' and field='photos') ORDER BY sort_order 2 0.000310 false
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select count(*) from shop_carts where cart_id = '3002fc844f2d4b96bae368e4551e3eeb276644b830656376e8a042c53acb0a38b09b5a5d1362965da9cb68d9be94cbbebe3049cab4bc9f518c1f9f91f925aa41' 1 0.000219 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id is null and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 13 0.000363 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 1 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 5 0.000320 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 21 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 6 0.000213 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 4 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 9 0.000221 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 22 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 7 0.000214 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 16 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 8 0.000206 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 8 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 4 0.000194 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 135 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 8 0.000190 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 232 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 0 0.000165 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 14 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 0 0.000228 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 63 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 3 0.000204 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 65 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 11 0.000237 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 62 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 0 0.000178 false
select id, is_recommended, name from catalog_categories where parent_id = 203 and hidden is null order by sort_order asc 0 0.000147 false
SELECT (DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE(), date_enabled)) as days_enabled, (category_calculated_join.name) as category_calculated, (select group_concat(db_files.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = banners.id and (master_object_class='Banners_Banner' and field='image')) as image_calculated, (select group_concat(db_files.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = banners.id and (master_object_class='Banners_Banner' and field='flash_file')) as flash_file_calculated, banners.* FROM banners LEFT JOIN banners_categories as bc ON bc.id = banners.category_id LEFT JOIN banners_categories as category_calculated_join ON category_calculated_join.id = banners.category_id WHERE (bc.code = 'sidebar_banners') GROUP BY banners.position ORDER BY banners.sort_order desc, banners.id 3 0.001293 false
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SELECT (DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE(), date_enabled)) as days_enabled, (category_calculated_join.name) as category_calculated, (select group_concat(db_files.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = banners.id and (master_object_class='Banners_Banner' and field='image')) as image_calculated, (select group_concat(db_files.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = banners.id and (master_object_class='Banners_Banner' and field='flash_file')) as flash_file_calculated, banners.* FROM banners LEFT JOIN banners_categories as category_calculated_join ON category_calculated_join.id = banners.category_id WHERE (banners.position='12') AND (( exposure_limit_type is NULL or exposure_limit_type = 0 or (exposure_limit_type = 1 and period_start >= CURRENT_DATE() and period_end <= CURRENT_DATE()) or (exposure_limit_type = 2 and hits_left > 0) )) 1 0.000491 false
SELECT (DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE(), date_enabled)) as days_enabled, (category_calculated_join.name) as category_calculated, (select group_concat(db_files.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = banners.id and (master_object_class='Banners_Banner' and field='image')) as image_calculated, (select group_concat(db_files.name ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = banners.id and (master_object_class='Banners_Banner' and field='flash_file')) as flash_file_calculated, banners.* FROM banners LEFT JOIN banners_categories as category_calculated_join ON category_calculated_join.id = banners.category_id WHERE (banners.position='1') AND (( exposure_limit_type is NULL or exposure_limit_type = 0 or (exposure_limit_type = 1 and period_start >= CURRENT_DATE() and period_end <= CURRENT_DATE()) or (exposure_limit_type = 2 and hits_left > 0) )) 1 0.000445 false
update banners set impression_number = impression_number+1 where id in ('12') - 0.000165 false
SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '12') AND (db_files.master_object_class='Banners_Banner' and field='image') ORDER BY id 1 0.000235 false
SELECT (menu_link_calculated_join.title) as menu_link_calculated, admin_text_blocks.* FROM admin_text_blocks LEFT JOIN admin_menu_items as menu_link_calculated_join ON menu_link_calculated_join.text_block_id = admin_text_blocks.id WHERE (admin_text_blocks.code = 'footer_address') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000251 false
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SELECT (menu_link_calculated_join.title) as menu_link_calculated, admin_text_blocks.* FROM admin_text_blocks LEFT JOIN admin_menu_items as menu_link_calculated_join ON menu_link_calculated_join.text_block_id = admin_text_blocks.id WHERE (admin_text_blocks.code = 'header_address') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000220 false
SELECT shop_carts.* FROM shop_carts WHERE (shop_carts.cart_id = '3002fc844f2d4b96bae368e4551e3eeb276644b830656376e8a042c53acb0a38b09b5a5d1362965da9cb68d9be94cbbebe3049cab4bc9f518c1f9f91f925aa41') LIMIT 0, 1 0 0.000159 false
SELECT admin_menus.* FROM admin_menus WHERE (admin_menus.code = 'main') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000167 false
SELECT admin_menu_items.* FROM admin_menu_items WHERE (admin_menu_items.menu_id = '1') AND (admin_menu_items.parent_id is null and (admin_menu_items.is_hidden is null or admin_menu_items.is_hidden=0) and (admin_menu_items.is_hidden_in_menu is null or admin_menu_items.is_hidden_in_menu=0)) ORDER BY group_name, sort_order 6 0.000311 false
SELECT admin_menu_items.* FROM admin_menu_items ORDER BY sort_order 23 0.000285 false
SELECT admin_menus.* FROM admin_menus WHERE (admin_menus.id = '1') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000184 false
SELECT (menu_link_calculated_join.title) as menu_link_calculated, admin_text_blocks.* FROM admin_text_blocks LEFT JOIN admin_menu_items as menu_link_calculated_join ON menu_link_calculated_join.text_block_id = admin_text_blocks.id WHERE (admin_text_blocks.code = 'footer_address') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000309 false